

Alexis Crump

“Halfway throughout my pregnancy I was anxious about anything and everything pregnancy-related. I doubted I had the tools I needed. I decided to meet with Qiddist one more time and from that moment on I knew she was the person for me. Over the past few months she’s done nothing but remind me of the confidence I have with my body. She’s filled me up with knowledge, but not too much…and she’s been gracious enough to not only be fully attentive of my needs and cares but my partner’s as well. Now at two weeks postpartum her thoughtfulness and care still hasn’t waned and I couldn’t thank her enough for it.”

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Elizabeth Ewing

“Qiddist was my calm and consistent advocate throughout my whole labor and birth experience. She really kept me grounded through the long labor. Her confidence, and over all demeanor make Qiddist perfectly suited for this job. It is not an exaggeration to say that everyone on the team loved her! Even my mom's husband was thrilled with the support she provided, not only to me but to them.”


“Qiddist was invaluable to us throughout our pregnancy, birth and postpartum journey! She is full of so much knowledge and experience, and she is incredibly generous with her time. Not only did she stay awake and present during my 40 hours of labor, she also always made me feel confident in my ability to birth, and she protected the space with her calm and loving presence. Everyone should have this type of support!”