
Ecstatic dance

I dance in the morning when the world was begun,

And I dance in the moon and the stars and the sun,

And I came down from heaven and I danced on the earth.

~The Spirit of the Dance

Ecstatic Dance is a radical act of reclaiming the wholeness of our body, mind and spirit. It’s a movement meditation led by intentionally chosen music that leads you a journey of emotional exploration through rhythm. 

Through our facilitation of Ecstatic Dance we create a space for sacred movement. Each dance is centered around a theme, which is reflected in the altar and the music. We begin with about 15 minutes of warm up time where we gather, stretch and connect with each other in a facilitated circle. This practice grounds us in our bodies and sets the intention. Then we dance! The music slowly builds in its intensity and then you softens to facilitate complete stillness. There are five stages to the music to guide you on your journey: flowing, staccato, chaos, lyrical and stillness. No conversation is permitted on the dance floor, but participants are encouraged to have consensual, non-verbal interaction. There is 75 minutes of dance featuring music by POC artists from all over the world of a variety of genres.

There aren't many spaces where music and dancing truly allow us, particularly as people of color, to explore our relationships to ourselves in community without self-consciousness of what movement should look like or fear of the repercussions of fully expressing ourselves. Our facilitation of this dance is meant as a space of resistance, where we can claim space freely and fully. 

In this experience you are FREE to move and release whatever you feel in your body. Stomping out rage, sitting and crying, playful laughter, and mindful grooving are all welcomed. We hold this space to allow ourselves to connect with our bodies, take up space, and embrace our radical wholeness.

May the movement of our bodies reveal to us a roadmap for our healing.

Want to join us for monthly, virtual ecstatic dance ceremonies with Qiddist and DJ Ashé?

Our ceremonies center BIPOC bodies and musical artists and include 75-90 minutes of dance, opening and closing circles.

Join us on our private Patreon platform, and also receive monthly womb workshops with Qiddist, herbal wisdom and downloadable guides for holistic living.

Want to host an ecstatic dance workshop in your space or at your event?

We are currently based in Portland, Oregon but love to bring ecstatic dance to new places!