the womb room podcast episode 23:

decolonizing the mentrual cycle: reclaiming our blood as root ritual with clarissa gonzalez

This week we have Clarissa Gonzalez, an herbalist and cultural worker specializing in fertility, womb health, sleep & mental health at Blood Moon Healing where she is continuing the lineage of Traditional Mexican Medicine inherited grandmother wisdom & where she lifts up ethical, spiritual herbalism & learning from our herbal relatives. 

In our conversation, we explore the spiraling, internal ritual that is the menstrual cycle, and get into:

  • Indigenous perspectives on the menstrual cycle, dreaming and intuition

  • The significance of the dark moon and working with our subconscious

  • Ways to explore our cycle as the root ritual of our lives

  • How our blood can heal us the world

And so much more! To connect with Clarissa’s beautiful work, including her Chicago-based apothecary and her virtual Conscious Moonstration course, visit her site at and follow her on Instagram.

Her upcoming programming includes a Cycles & Spirals Workshop: (Feb 14) ; Lunar Archetypal Journey: a 7 week course to transform your life with the cycles of the moon  (Feb 26); and her 8 week Conscious Moonstration course (April 16).

Intro and outro music: “Cicada” by AnAkA. Thank you sister!

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Listen to the Full Episode: