Which one best describes you in this season?
I'm currently on hormonal birth control
I'm currently in my menstrual years and not on birth control
I'm post menopausal or post hysterectomy
What do you most desire right now?
To feel more connected to my womb
To understand my fertility
To have less pain, discomfort, or other symptoms
To feel more emotionally grounded, productive, and creative in my life
To learn how to take care of my reproductive health holistically
If you could wave a magic wand and have your biggest womb health challenge eliminated, what would it be?
I would be pain-free
I would know how to get pregnant and navigate pregnancy and birth with ease
I would confidently AVOID pregnancy
I would be free of unexpected mood swings, fatigue, or hormonal depression
I would know how to heal or prevent cysts and fibroids
My life would be in true alignment with my body, my purpose, and my desires
What would you MOST love to learn about?
Herbal & nutritional remedies for reproductive health
Strategies for dealing with burnout, procrastination, and creative blocks
How to live in alignment with my body's cycles to reduce stress and have more ease
Have you or would you take an online course on any of the above?
Yes, I've done courses in the past
Yes, I've taken one of your courses!
I haven't, but I would be interested
I'm not sure
No, I prefer getting one-on-one support
What, if anything, is stopping you from taking action on making the changes you'd like to see?
I don't have enough time for self-care
I don't know where to start
I feel disconnected from my womb/my body
It doesn't feel that important right now
I think I would need to spend a lot of money
I am taking good care of myself already, but would love new resources!