The womb room podcast

episode 8:

How and why we build matriarchy with maura sternberg

What is matriarchy, why do we need it, and how do we create it?

Today we dive into the skills we need to cultivate matriarchy in our communities, with guest Maura Sternberg.

We explore how we orient to personal and collective apocalypse, why mothers and children need to be at the center of our social structures, and how we can begin to create the worlds we want to see.

Maura is a kitchen witch, herbalist, spirit medicine holder, and sister. She sits at the feet of her teachers Rachelle Garcia Seliga, Susun Weed, Everest Asher, Perri Chase, among others. Her most fervent wish is that her work serves as ecstatic and embodied liberation, for herself, her community, her ancestors, and her First Mother, Earth.

Wondering if The Womb Room Membership is for you, and want to come hang out with us?

Maura and I are hosting a FREE workshop series this month called Womb Worship, and you're invited! Experience a taste of what we're up to in 3 in-depth, highly interactive workshops, and build your foundational womb sovereignty skills. Sign up now here!

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Listen to the Full Episode: