Ancestral Healing Through Womb Work
our ancestors are buried in our wombs
This week we explore the question: What does the tarot have to offer us as we explore ancestral healing through womb work?
The Death card in the tarot is an invitation to go into our deeper places, and it is through this portal that we can know our ancestors and begin the work of healing with them.
There are lessons for the living at the burial sites of the dead. Our wombs are the portal to our ancestors; our ancestors are buried in our wombs. This week the Tarot invites us to:
1. Create space for meditation (however that looks for you) & call on your ancestors
2. As they greet you, go with them to their burial sites: go into your womb with them
3. Commune with them there and allow for release: whatever needs to die in favor of your rebirth.
In Death card work, you are called to shed old skin that has been holding you back— from convening with your ancestors, from living in your power, from your liberation.
In the processing of shedding old skin, you are likely to leave in your wake remnants of yourself that were once so dear to you. It’s okay to grieve those parts of you, to curl up in a fetal position beneath the trees and be held by the elements. This position and feeling of contraction is the portal to expansion, so I invite you to embrace this work.
This transition into the ancestral portal is an undoing experience, and so it may feel uncomfortable. Lean into this space and hold compassion for yourself because this transition is a big deal: you are shifting generational patterns and being reborn in your sovereignty. Move gently.
If you’re feeling called to unravel the connection between your womb space and your ancestors, sign up for Qiddist’s free Wombifest Workshop: How to heal ancestral wounds and live in your power with womb connection.
Listen to the accompanying playlist: