If You Hate Your Birth Control But "Just Can't Risk Getting Pregnant"

Does this sound like you? 

“I hate being on birth control… but I just can’t take the chance”

“I know it’s hurting my health... But I just can’t get pregnant right now.”

If this is you, you’re not alone - and this is a loving call in. 

We have been taught that controlling our fertility  is more important than our health, vitality, and pleasure.

We’ve learned (explicitly or implicitly) that anxiety, irritable bowel, fatigue, low libido, and depression are “reasonable” trade offs to avoid a pregnancy. 

That potentially quadrupling  our risk of cervical cancer is “worth it” to not have to contend with the possibility of pregnancy -- even though we know that pregnancy is still possible, with ANY contraceptive.

It’s not a coincidence that you’ve been taught to mistrust and sacrifice your body. 

This is internalized misogyny. 

Here are a few truths that you likely won’t hear from your gynecologist:

➡️ The sympto-thermal method of fertility awareness is MORE effective at preventing pregnancy than the pill, condoms, AND the copper IUD.

The truth is, fertility awareness is not the “rhythm method” – it is a collection of science-based methods that is highly effective, powerful, and gives you so much more information about your body than a pill ever could.

The symptothermal method that I teach, which uses basal body temperature, cervical mucus and cervical position, is 99.4% effective in preventing pregnancy when used correctly.

➡️ Even if you have no visible “side effects” from hormonal contraceptives, they are still causing nutrient deficiencies, gut disruption, and taxing your liver, which contribute to long-term health concerns, and even worsen the initial conditions that you went on them to suppress in the first place.

This one can be a hard pill to swallow (pun intended), because shame and self-judgment can come up. 

If you’ve chosen to use hormonal contraceptives with a full understanding of the risks and impacts, that’s okay! We all make choices, and I trust in your bodily autonomy.

The problem is, most of us never learned about these unseen impacts of medical models of contraception – and that’s not our fault, and it didn’t happen by accident. 

Our systems of control and domination would not be able to survive if we truly understood our autonomy.

There’s no need for blame or shame here. 

If you’re just starting to learn the systemic impacts of hormonal contraceptives and you’ve been on them for years, know that your womb and body are incredibly resilient – and healing is always possible.

➡️ Even if you do have an “accident” while using fertility awareness (meaning you get sperm in your vagina when you don’t want it there), you have about 1-2 weeks to prevent a pregnancy from forming, which you can learn to do confidently and effectively.

This has to do with understanding the difference between CONCEPTION (when egg and sperm meet in the uterine tube) and IMPLANTATION, when a fertilized egg implants in the lining of the uterus, and the window of time between the two.

This is absolutely something that you are capable of understanding and implementing in your life. 

What if your form of contraception was 100% aligned with your life, your health, your values, and your pleasure? 

Imagine feeling SO confident, that even in the case of an “oops!” that you knew exactly what you could do to avoid a pregnancy -- without the disruptive and expensive option of “Plan B”. 

This is 100% possible, it is your birthright, and I would even say,  your responsibility. 

If you are compromising parts of yourself in your reproductive health, where else might be compromising in your life? 

What if the self-sabotage and giving up your power could stop, and you could be fully in alignment with your sovereign self?

You can. And we are forging this path together.

If a deep part of you feels this truth, apply to The Womb Room and join me in a year-long deep dive into the science and spirit of your womb sovereignty.