Did You Know That Your Cervix Talks To Your Brain?

It’s true — the cervix (the opening to the uterus that connects to your vaginal canal) is deeply connected to the nervous system!

How does this magic happen? It all comes down to the vagus nerve. 

One of 12 cranial nerves that starts at the brainstem, the vagus nerve is part of our parasympathetic nervous system, and plays a role in:

✨Our “rest and digest” mode 

✨Stress, fear and the “freeze” response


(Among other things.)

This nerve wanders throughout the body, dipping into organs, until it reaches its final termination point in the cervix. 

So what’s the point?

Your cervix is constantly assessing your sense of safety, and communicating back to the brain. 

It doesn’t always matter if your conscious mind thinks you’re safe — your body has a different story. 

If you’ve ever felt like you’ve talked through your trauma a million times but your body still sends you into fight/flight/freeze when a trigger arises, this is part of why. 

Memories, emotions and experiences need to be felt and moved through the body, not just through the mind — especially through the cervix.

The beauty is that as we begin to build a relationship with this root space, cervix can also become a powerful ally in our embodied decision making, a source of ecstatic pleasure, and a portal for healing. 

For my adolescence and early adult life, most of my cervical relationship was rooted in fear: the fear of pregnancy, the stress of receiving an abnormal PAP result and not knowing what it meant, and silence and scare tactics around developing HPV or even cervical cancer.

Little did I know at the time that my cervix was actually a powerful portal: a holder of emotions, a source of pleasure, and a part of me that holds an incredible and innate ability to heal.

There is SO much left unsaid in our reproductive health education – especially when it comes to our cervix. 

This is why my work in women’s sovereignty is centered on our body literacy, and reclaiming our right to deeply know how to tend to our bodies.

Take a moment to breathe — if it feels right, can you drop your awareness into your womb? Maybe into your cervix? Can you allow yourself to feel what you’re holding there?

This is how we heal — one embodied breath at a time.

This is why I recorded a free, cervix embodiment meditation for you!

It may seem strange, but tuning into my cervix through this simple practice of connection on a daily basis has allowed me to: 

✨Down-regulate my nervous system and rewire safety

✨Know intuitively when a person or opportunity doesn't feel right 

✨Support my digestion (seriously!)

✨Move through numbness and into pleasure

If you're ready to explore this sacred portal, download the audio meditation. Your cervix will thank you!